Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What makes a woman's worth???

What makes a woman's worth???

Simply to be LOVE and be LOVED

To be Love unconditionally

To be Love without expecting something in return

To be Love forever

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

FarmVille Confession

Before I go for a sleep, I would like to confess my personal experience in playing farmville...

Last October 5, 2009 I started playing farmville well it's kinda freak in good because I really don't know how to play it, well here's the story goes I have seen my sis at least twice playing farmville on our pc, I just only take a glimpse and that's it. Then last October 5 makes me freak out, I was just sitting infront of the pc and looking at my homepage at facebook and most of my friends updates were in playing farmville. Then I started playing my farmville ( I have my farmville account but never get a chance to open it because I don't know how to play it). and that's it I tried to play farmville.

Well playing farmville at first makes me freak out I really don't know how I used to survived playing it without having some basic idea on how it works. But its kinda funny because your doing something that you are not used too.
For almost one month of playing farmville I have extended my farm into 20x20, and I have mastered of planting pineapples, I am now level 22..yeehaw and I have designed my farm that's the first thing that I do to design and not to plant as others does I mean planting the whole farm

and that's my farmville confession =))

Monday, July 27, 2009

using different accounts??? want some???

Hi there thank you for sharing an ample of your time in reading my first blog, well it's been my dream to use a site which promotes'z

Well I'm just an ordinary student who tries to use different kind of accounts such as facebook, friendster, myspace and so on... As a student we have to use such accounts it can be a personal one or a socialize account. Each one of us has this kind of accounts or let say part of our mundane activity.

The first account I've used is yahoomail/messenger well I'm not really into chatting but I'm using this kind of account of veryfing my friendster'z actually I really don't have an idea why I have this kind of account, but seriously speaking I've learn using this account when I was in first year college.

My second account is friendster, I have this kind of account way back in highschool days yet I really don't know what's it's purpose. I've learn to love friendster during my freshmen days in college. Why? actually friends and classmates influence and later on sort of my flirting stuff lol'z... I love friendster beacuse simply it has updates with your friends, reading bulletins, funny comments or testimonial, pictures. But when one of my friend told me that she is using her friendster accounts for contacts only, hmmm I've deleted those people who are unknown to me lol... Friendster was one of the most popular account that I'm using but it has been dethrone by facebook lol'z.., as time pass by I've seen friendster is just a boring account.

Third account myspace, I've used myspace account probably friends infulence lol'z..., but I've cancel account and created a new one again lol'z...

Fourth account multiply, the first time I've using this account I can say that this account is like a USB where you can save your photos lol'z.. The only problem with multiply is that you can't change you username unlike friendster

Fifth account tagged, a flirthing acoount lol'z no comment...

Next account the well known facebook, I've created this account for a long time but I really don't know how it works and now on my final year in college I've love using this account, I'm not particular who wants to be-friends with me in this account

and lastly twitter, I am using this account for blogging of course I've tried different accounts for blogging, accounts that are free for hosting haha

Well there you have it my personal experience in using account

Each one of us maybe clueless in using different kind off accounts but make sure find an account that will suit your taste....

nothing to say about account lol'z =)>